Sunday, January 5, 2014

BIA (Back in Action)

Why hello there.. yes, I am back from being MIA. I can blame it on the holidays. I can blame it on traveling. I can blame it on never having time. But no, I will be honest. I am horrible at going through with projects. It's a new year and one big resolution of mine is to stick with it. I am the kind of gal that gets intrigued easily and will start a dozen new projects at once without going through with all of them.. or perhaps any of them. I will get light bulbs of ideas and be totally enthusiastic about it one day and the next day, I would get distracted by another light bulb idea. ADD much? One of my weaknesses I realized was that I seem to always lose track of what I started. There's just so many things I want to do and learn that I tend to pick up too many new projects and never give enough attention and focus to one. Blogging has been a stop and go for me for a while now.  However, I am determined to keep a green light ahead this time around. And so here I am, sticking with it!

PS - Thank you for sticking with me you ninja readers. I can't see you, but I know you're there somehwere :)

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